Thirty-six internet routers are attached to the ceiling. A computer programme monitors the routers continually. When the router is up and running an object attached to it makes a sound and the router is rebooted again. The objects vary from thermos to egg cup to plates. The different types of routers take different times to boot causing an algorithm for a sound composition based on connectivity (ping) and downtime (reset).

Thanks for your routers! Dany, Dennis, Fons, Frank, Hans, Ingrid, John en Mien, Kati, Leon, Lukas, Margreet, Mike, Nathalie, Pascal, Philip, Piere, René, Roel, Patchingzone, WORM
Photos 00, 01, 06 and 08 and the routers in the banner by Nanda Milbreta
Photo ping-reset-toeschouwer by Margaita Kouvatsou
Supported by New Horizons Festival and Stichting WORM

ping-reset, September 2014, Rotterdam, NL

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